DEADLINE: Your vote MUST be received by the Secretariat by Monday, 15 June 2015, 12.00 noon Malaysian time.
Please note that faxed or emailed responses will NOT be accepted. Voting must be done on-line only.

Dear WABA General Assembly Voting Members,

The WABA Secretariat is pleased to inform you on the following nominations received for the Steering Committee vacancies, and invites you to vote on positions for regions Europe and Global.
Read letter to voters
We hereby submit to you the nomination documents for the seven (7) nominees standing for the Europe and the Global positions (as listed above). The nomination documents consist of the nominees’ curriculum vitae and personal statement.

Please review all documents carefully before deciding on your vote. Ensure that the person you vote for meets the criteria established for a Steering Committee member who should:

i) be a mobiliser, networker and communicator;
ii) have roots in various geographical regions and an international perspective;
iii) be a key player in institutions and be willing to provide support to WABA;
iv) have a range of leadership skills and understanding of issues; and
v) be an endorser of WABA.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Statement

Online voting form