The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals
& organisations concerned with the protection, promotion & support of breastfeeding worldwide.
WABA action is based on the Innocenti Declaration, the Ten Links for Nurturing the Future and the
Global Strategy for Infant & Young Child Feeding. WABA is in consultative status with UNICEF & an NGO
in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).


11. Birthing Practices

I. Continuous Support in Labour: Impact on Birth and Breastfeeding
Dr. Banyana C. Madi, University of Southampton, UK, Facilitator

Research evidence over the last decade shows clearly that continuous support for women during labour, birth, and postpartum makes for better birth outcomes, less intervention, improves breastfeeding and perceived mothering behaviour. Speakers will address this intervention from their own research and field perspectives. Trained versus untrained "doulas" will also be addressed.

II.  Modern Birth Technology: Impact on Breastfeeding - Anna Berit
      Ransjo-Arvidson and Anne-Marie Widstrom, Karolinska Institute,     
      Sweden, Facilitators

There are disturbing trends globally towards increasing birth technology and interventions, even when nonintervention and keeping things "normal" would be more appropriate. Many medical interventions directly or indirectly impact breastfeeding success. Along with this is a rapidly rising, and inappropriately high, caesarean section rate in many regions which may also negatively impact Breastfeeding outcomes. Speakers will address current research and initiatives that are trying to curb these trends.

III. Expanding BFHI to Include the Mother - Mary Kroeger, CNM, MPH, CIMS/WABA, USA, Facilitator This workshop will look at how to increase attention on the mother in the BFHI's 'Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.' The focus will be on BFHI's Step Four and how the mother's health and well-being contribute to the success of this important step. Particular labour interventions themselves will be reviewed. There will be time for discussion and a rapporteur will record recommendations from the floor for UNICEF/WHO for expanding BF in the next decade. 

IV. Monitoring Birthing and Early Breastfeeding Support - Dr. Uzma Syed,
      Saving Newborn Lives/Save the Children, Bangladesh, Facilitator
How can we measure the success of these "mother friendly" interventions? Does the evidence suggest that we cannot tract breastfeeding alone without looking at the health and well-being of the mother during pregnancy, birth and postpartum? The Bologna Score, the CIMS "Tens Steps to the Mother Friendly Childbirth Initiative "and others models and other ways of measuring will be reviewed.

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